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Happy Family, Happy Team!

Our team is like an extended family: a unique mix of different personalities and talents united by a passion for jewellery. As in all families, we have fun, we compare notes, sometimes we argue... but together we know how to create real magic.

Happy Family was born in 2016 from an idea of ​​Silvio and Silvia, from a lifetime in the world of goldsmith production, to create a jewel that was not only different from the others, but which was unique for anyone who wore it.

What is more beautiful, personal and valuable for each of us than the people we care about most? Hence the desire to create a customizable jewel that could last forever, just like the love towards our most important affections.

A project that has grown over the years, until the birth of a real group dedicated to the production and distribution of personalized jewelery which you can read about here .

We believe in happiness!

The simple, authentic one that comes from our loves and passions that make our lives unique.

Be Happy!

We believe in made in Italy

From production to packaging, to assistance: our entire supply chain is 100% Italian.

We believe in unique jewellery

In a world of mass-produced objects, a handcrafted jewel has extra value for us. Made to measure for you, you are the protagonist of your Happy Family.

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